Teatime and Sensors-Unity now available as snaps

After I now got even featured on OMG Ubuntu with both of my apps, I thought it would be a good idea to make them easier to install.

Those of you that were following my recent posts on creating snappy packages may already have guessed it. For everyone else the news today is: the teatime and sensors-unity utilities are now available as snaps, so you now can easily install them using the official Ubuntu Store or the command line as

sudo snap install sensors-unity
sudo snap install teatime

after this they will be available directly in the app launcher.

Note: sensors-unity additionally needs the hardware-observe permission which you currently can only give it using the command line as:

sudo snap connect sensors-unity:hardware-observe ubuntu-core:hardware-observe

Right now the only drawback is that both snaps include the full python3 and gtk3 runtimes and therefore weight around 80MB in size.
If you do not mind some extra steps for installation you can get them as 100KB debs from their PPAs: Teatime, Sensors-Unity.
However in the near future there will be a shared gnome-runtime snap which will mitigate the size issue.

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